Responses to the controversy.
Reconsidering “Zionism Unsettled:” an open letter to Reverend Chris Leighton
by Rabbi Brant Rosen
Shalom Rav, February 19, 2014
Dear Reverend Leighton, I read with dismay your recent “Open Letter to the Presbyterian Church” ....As a rabbi who works actively alongside the IPMN – and whose words are quoted extensively in the guide – I am saddened by your words and feel compelled to respond. As you might imagine, I take exception to... [read more]
J Street attacks Presbyterians over study guide questioning Zionism
by Ali Abunimah
Electronic Intifada, February 20, 2014
The Israel lobby group J Street has launched a blistering attack on the Presbyterian Church USA over its new study guide Zionism Unsettled, claiming that the publication promotes “polarization” and “intolerance.”... [read more]
Presbyterians affirm commitment to constructive debate on Israel/Palestine
by Rachel Menitoff
Medill Reports, February 20, 2014
In the aftermath of the publication of its Israel/Palestine Mission Network's study guide that faced an avalanche of criticism from the American Jewish community, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has issued a detailed statement... [read more]
Presbyterian stances causing tension with Jews
by Peter Smith
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, February 22, 2014
A group commissioned by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to promote "a just peace in Israel/Palestine" publishes a study guide that includes depictions of Zionism... [read more]
Political Zionism is destroying a culture and a people, and intentionally so
by Dr. Rev. Jeffrey DeYoe
Mondoweiss, February 24, 2014
I just spent two weeks in Israel/Palestine, representing American Presbyterians, with an international team that planted olive trees for Palestinian farmers who would otherwise be unable to work their fields... [read more]
“Lest we forget” the day Rachel Corrie Died
by James M. Wall
Wallwritings, February 24, 2014
Rachel Corrie was killed March 16, 2003, by an Israeli soldier who crushed her to death with an American-built Caterpillar bulldozer. Eleven years later, March 16, 2014, on the anniversary of her death... [read more]
More heat than light: my response to Rev. Chris Leighton
by Rabbi Brant Rosen
Shalom Rav, February 26, 2014
Dear Reverend Leighton, Thank you for your response to my open letter. While I’m also not particularly interested in turning our dialogue into a debate to be “won” or “lost,” I do take exception to much of what you wrote... [read more]
IPMN responds to Chicago group's mischaracterization of Zionism Unsettled
The Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN) of the PC(USA) is compelled to respond to a statement issued by the Ecumenical and Interreligious Work Group (EIWG) of Chicago Presbytery on February 26. We dispute the characterizations contained therein of IPMN and its recent publication, Zionism Unsettled... [read more]
A (non-reader?) writes: I exhort Brian McLaren to repent of his anti-Christian Zionism
by Brian D. McLaren
Author's Blog, March 2014
Thanks for the encouragement to repent (i.e. to prayerfully self-examine and rethink), something I try to remain perpetually willing to do. Hardness of heart and stiffness of neck are bad for the soul... [read more]
Re: 'Repairing the breach' between Christians and Jews
by Leila Richards
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, March 14, 2014
The opinion piece by Rev. Sheldon Sorge, a Presbyterian minister, and Rabbi James A. Gibson criticizing a recent Presbyterian (U.S.A.) publication entitled "Zionism Unsettled" merits a serious response and I, a Presbyterian bystander, would like to offer one. Let me explain why the purported "breach" is of interest to me... [read more].
The Crisis of Liberal Zionism - What it portends...
by Andrew Levine
Counterpunch, April 2014
excerpt: ...“Zionism” designates the Jewish national and cultural movement that was born in Europe late in the nineteenth century and that evolved and flourished subsequently. The establishment of the state of Israel in 1948 was a decisive moment in that movement’s trajectory. Does a commitment to Zionism entail support for a Jewish state? Must that state be in Palestine? Must Zionists support a revival of the Hebrew language? How committed must they be to distinctive cultural forms and ways of life established by Jews in Palestine and, later, Israel? What is Zionism’s relation to the Jewish religion?... [read more]
"Zionsim Unsettled": Neither False Nor Misguided
by James M. Wall
My Catbird Seat, May 12, 2014
The battle has begun over Zionism Unsettled. The Christian Century opened round one by publishing an attack on Zionism Unsettled, a study guide developed for the study of Zionism, a secular ideology formed in the 19th century, which has had a major impact on Jewish–Christian relations... [read more]
A Response to Jeffrey Bernstein re: "Zionism Unsettled"
by Timothy F. Simpson
Political Theology Today, July 14, 2014
I wish to thank Dr. Bernstein for his thoughtful and irenic response to “Zionism Unsettled.” Having been involved in the divestment debate for the last ten years, and having been the target of barbs by both Christian and Jewish Zionists, I can only wish that all of those with whom I have disagreed were as charitable!... [read more]