Divestment Consultations

PJN has a long history of engaging with the boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement. In 2014, we successfully lobbied for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) to divest from companies profiting from the illegal Israeli occupation of Palestine. In 2024, our church divested from Israeli bonds.

Do you want your church, denomination, or institution to divest from companies profiting from Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestine? We would love to offer our time and expertise. A divestment consultation includes:

  • Three 45-minute zoom calls

    • Zoom 1: Learning your context and initials sharings of our experience; collecting questions from you that we can research and respond to in Zoom 2

    • Zoom 2: Addressing your specific questions

    • Zoom 3: Communications Hacks/Best Practices we've learned + testimony practice

  • A curated list of resources to meet your specific needs

If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation, email us at info@thepjn.org


Guest speaking